Carlton Gainey
Investment Group Coordinator

Hello, I'm Carlton Gainey.

I specialize in the areas of automotive, investments and logistics. I'm here to implement and provide the black youth with an area of excelling in life through hands on experiences in automotive work and making healthy investments.

I am the Co-Founder of Brothers For Life Investments Group. I am also a current member of the Mentoring Program with the Charlotte Detention Center. 

I am a true believer that learning about automotive skills and investing are assets that the youth can learn and use as tools to move in a positive direction in life. I know that it teaches patience, how to properly research, and shows how hard work can pay off. This can in return produce entrepreneurship with many opportunities.

Want to Volunteer?

Are you interested in what we do? Would you like to join our cause? Are you interested in participating in future events? Please let us know with a brief description and contact information.

If you are interested in applying as a teacher or volunteer for the before/after school program in North Carolina, please submit your information below with a brief description of your experience as a teacher/mentor.